Dreamweaver Artist Ranch
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The Dreamweaver Artist Ranch Where Creativity Is Not Only Nurtured, But Inspired

The Dreamweaverarts Organization believes helping artists should be an important priority to the health of any community and the education of our children. In some cases, it is the arts alone that have turned around the economic health of a community. T

The Dreamweaver Artists Ranch is a dream come true…or, it should be and it can be with our public support. The standard-bearer in making this artist community on acres of open land in Northern California a physical as well as a conceptual reality is artist-poet Monteque Pope -Le Beau. Monteque was inspired by his artist mother’s longtime vision of having a destination point for fine artists and authors to meet in a beautiful, outdoor natural environment to engage in creating, sharing, learning from one another, and communing with nature as inspiration and regeneration.